ກິດຈະກໍາກ່ຽວກັບ ASJA-MEXTActivities of ASJA-MEXT

ບັນດາກິດຈະກໍາຂອງທຶນ ASJA-MEXT ຕະຫຼອດປີ

What is ASJA International? (ເປັນ PDF)

  • Welcome party for ASJA-MEXT students, and Orientation
  • Network Construction for Cross-Cultural Exchange
    • - Elementary School Visit
    • - Japanese Cultural Experience
    • - Workshop and exchange with Japanese university students
    • - ASEAN Cultural exchange program (ASEAN Festival)
  • Homestay Program (Only for 1st Year)
  • Prefectural local Industries and Cultural Study Trip (Only for 2nd and 3rd Year)
  • ASJA Completion Ceremony
  • Commemoration Event for 20th Anniversary of ASJA International
  • ASJA ASEAN Festival

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